Course Curriculum
Pre-Workshop Content
1. A Personal Response to Colour
2. Welcome to the Colour Concept Workshop
3. Colour Mapping Part 1
4. Reflection Assignment 1 - Colour Mapping Part 2
5. Reflection Assignment 2 - Colour Mapping Part 3 - Quesions to Ponder
6. A Colour Journey (optional)
Week 1: The History and Psychology of Colour
1. The Psychology and Cultural Context of Colour - Introduction, Black, White and Red
2. Blue
3. Yellow
4. Green
5. Orange
6. Purple
7. How Colour is Used as an Influence
How to use Adobe Color to Pull Colour Palettes from Images
Week One Assignment Explained
Week One: Your Color Palettes and Images
Bonus Video - Locations and Colour
Week 2: Colour Science and Harmony
1. The Science of colour and its relevance in Photography
2. Colour Harmony
3. Choosing Colours
4. Saturation and Intensity
5. Styling with Colour
Cheat Sheet Summary
Optional Assignment - Colour Harmonies and Impact
Week 2 Assignment
Week 3: Editing with Colour
Colour wheel for use in photoshop
How to use Kalle wheel
Editing Toolbox: Introduction
Editing Toolbox: Adobe Camera Raw
Editing Toolbox: Gradient Map
Editing Toolbox: Selective Colour
Editing Toolbox: Hue/sat
Editing Toolbox: MIsc
Editing Toolbox: bulk editing
Editing Toolbox: Skin Correction using Hue/Saturation
Editing Toolbox: Targeted colour change with Hue/Sat
Editing Toolbox: Using Colour Balance for Colour Grading
Bonus tip 1: Changing Summer to Winter
Bonus Tip 2: Changing a warm toned scene to a cool toned scene
Bonus Tip 3: Using Selective Colour to change the feel of your image
Exercise 1: Instruction Video
Exercise 1: Changing Colours **watch Exercise 1 instruction video first***
Bonus video - Basic adjustment workflow before tackling colour
Example: Working on a basic workflow for different looks
Assignment Week 3
Assignment: Using Color with Intention
Week 4: Practical Editing
Ghastly to Glorious...GREENS!
Skin Secrets
Edit 1: Simple Studio Edit
Edit 2: Simple Outdoor Edit
Edit 3 :Deciding on a colour harmony and colour weight
Edit 4: When our eyes deceive us: "why doesn't my image look complete?"
Edit 5 - What colour harmony matches my story?: Part 1
Edit 5: Part 2
Dominant and "accessory" colours - how to navigate a confusing image
Exercise 1 : Creating Harmonies- Instructions
Exercise 1:download file