Course Curriculum

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    Pre-Workshop Content

    • 1. A Personal Response to Colour

    • 2. Welcome to the Colour Concept Workshop

    • 3. Colour Mapping Part 1

    • 4. Reflection Assignment 1 - Colour Mapping Part 2

    • 5. Reflection Assignment 2 - Colour Mapping Part 3 - Quesions to Ponder

    • 6. A Colour Journey (optional)

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    Week 1: The History and Psychology of Colour

    • 1. The Psychology and Cultural Context of Colour - Introduction, Black, White and Red

    • 2. Blue

    • 3. Yellow

    • 4. Green

    • 5. Orange

    • 6. Purple

    • 7. How Colour is Used as an Influence

    • How to use Adobe Color to Pull Colour Palettes from Images

    • Week One Assignment Explained

    • Week One: Your Color Palettes and Images

    • Bonus Video - Locations and Colour

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    Week 2: Colour Science and Harmony

    • 1. The Science of colour and its relevance in Photography

    • 2. Colour Harmony

    • 3. Choosing Colours

    • 4. Saturation and Intensity

    • 5. Styling with Colour

    • Cheat Sheet Summary

    • Optional Assignment - Colour Harmonies and Impact

    • Week 2 Assignment

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    Week 3: Editing with Colour

    • Colour wheel for use in photoshop

    • How to use Kalle wheel

    • Editing Toolbox: Introduction

    • Editing Toolbox: Adobe Camera Raw

    • Editing Toolbox: Gradient Map

    • Editing Toolbox: Selective Colour

    • Editing Toolbox: Hue/sat

    • Editing Toolbox: MIsc

    • Editing Toolbox: bulk editing

    • Editing Toolbox: Skin Correction using Hue/Saturation

    • Editing Toolbox: Targeted colour change with Hue/Sat

    • Editing Toolbox: Using Colour Balance for Colour Grading

    • Bonus tip 1: Changing Summer to Winter

    • Bonus Tip 2: Changing a warm toned scene to a cool toned scene

    • Bonus Tip 3: Using Selective Colour to change the feel of your image

    • Exercise 1: Instruction Video

    • Exercise 1: Changing Colours **watch Exercise 1 instruction video first***

    • Bonus video - Basic adjustment workflow before tackling colour

    • Example: Working on a basic workflow for different looks

    • Assignment Week 3

    • Assignment: Using Color with Intention

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    Week 4: Practical Editing

    • Ghastly to Glorious...GREENS!

    • Skin Secrets

    • Edit 1: Simple Studio Edit

    • Edit 2: Simple Outdoor Edit

    • Edit 3 :Deciding on a colour harmony and colour weight

    • Edit 4: When our eyes deceive us: "why doesn't my image look complete?"

    • Edit 5 - What colour harmony matches my story?: Part 1

    • Edit 5: Part 2

    • Dominant and "accessory" colours - how to navigate a confusing image

    • Exercise 1 : Creating Harmonies- Instructions

    • Exercise 1:download file